A Bioterrorist Attack?

DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXVII, No. 2

Biological warfare is one of the “really big threats,” as Lowell Wood pointed out at our 2002 annual meeting, “intelligently designed to destroy Western civil societies” (http://www.ddponline.org/wood02.pdf). The robust preparedness that he recommended was never implemented—despite the anthrax scare of September 2001. The expected scenario was of a rapidly fatal disease like smallpox causing mass casualties.

Another way to destroy society and drastically reduce world population could use slower-acting methods that often cripple instead of killing. What if people from the areas remotest from aerosols or mass human contact could be induced to willingly accept an injected pathogen? What if certain genotypes were more or less vulnerable?

Americans may be most frightened of foreign terrorists or Woke mobs or rogue nations utilizing the “poor man’s atomic bomb.” But suppose the real enemy might be globalist elites, who fund and use (then discard) disaffected extremists?

DDP has no inside information but can simply make some observations. First, the world has clearly been terrorized. People have willingly relinquished their normal activities and civil liberties and accepted “expert” pronouncements without question. 

Second, development of the “warp speed vaccine” began long before 2020. A universal vaccine platform was envisioned for influenza or emerging diseases, using messenger RNA that could be rushed into production as soon as a pathogen was identified and the genetic sequence for a target antigen determined. When a pandemic was declared for SARS-CoV-2, a wealth of pertinent research results was available. It was a stupendous opportunity to cash in on patents and launch a vast human trial of the concept. Billions in profits could be made without the danger of product liability.

A widely circulated document lists some 4,000 possibly relevant patent applications filed between 1999 and 2019, compiled by David Martin, Ph.D., founder and CEO of M-CAM International Risk Management (“The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier,” tinyurl.com/8dtszsmt). An interview of Dr. Martin by attorney Reiner Füllmich is also widely discussed tinyurl.com/2fwxse3v); a partial transcript is available (tinyurl.com/ym5m6y79).

At time point 9:50 of this video Martin states: “ In other words, we made SARS and we patented it on April 19th 2002 before there was ever an alleged outbreak in Asia, which followed that by several months. This US patent 7279327 clearly lays out in very specific gene sequencing that we knew of the ACE receptor, the ACE-2 binding domain, the S1 spike protein and other elements of Covid-19.”

The actual patent application (patents.google.com/patent/US7279327B2/en), however, states that this “invention is a method of making infectious, replication defective, nidovirus particles” and contains no wording that can be construed to mean what Martin claims. The purpose was to develop a veterinary vaccine against porcine transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE), a plague that kills pigs en masse. Members of the order Nidovirales include the family Coronaviridae, which has many members.

Other assertions made in a summary of the interview are not true, highly inaccurate, or liberally misinterpreted. Is Martin simply out of his depth in trying to interpret highly technical material? Neither he nor Füllmich is a scientist. Füllmich made his reputation in lawsuits against Volkswagen and Deutsche Bank.

A leading suspect named in the dossier is Dr. Ralph Baric of the University of North Carolina. According to his associates, Baric is a friendly, modestly compensated, hard-working scientist who “writes boring virology papers”—414 are indexed in PubMed. Unlike the NIH, his office is located in an unsecured area of a public university and is open to visitors. A disguise for an evil character who is plotting to destroy humanity? This seems as unlikely as openly filing a publicly available patent application for a bioterror weapon.

The dossier might call attention to the fact that scientists are now capable of making custom viruses for variety of uses, including military or political purposes. The awesome capability of genetic engineering with potential for healing or catastrophic misuse is discussed in the 2017 book A Crack in Creation: Gene Editing and the Unthinkable Power to Control Evolution, by Jennifer A. Doudna and Samuel H. Sternberg. Doudna, together with Emmanuelle Charpenteire, received the 2020 Nobel Prize in chemistry “for the development of a method for genome editing,” based on CRISPR, which is a bacterial immune system. There are now far more capable methods.

It is quite possible that SARS-CoV-2 is a bioengineered virus that may have been released from a laboratory deliberately or accidentally, as email exchanges involving National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) head Anthony Fauci suggest (https://tinyurl.com/7r2fbbeb). It appears to be a poor candidate as a bioweapon; the mortality rate is not high enough, and most victims are old and sick. The mortality rate from lockdowns will probably be much greater. Many people, especially those in remote areas, will escape exposure, and those who develop natural immunity will serve as a firebreak.

For causing terror, however, SARS-CoV-2 has excelled, aided by daily reports on numbers of “cases,” amplified by false positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests, and deaths, an unknown percentage “with,” rather than from COVID. People at first were clamoring for vaccination, and public authorities are now becoming increasingly aggressive about trying to get a “shot in every arm”—even if the patient is very low risk, already immune, or very unlikely to be exposed. What if the vaccination campaign is not really about the virus—but the virus is about getting people injected?

Adverse reactions from COVID jabs are accumulating on the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) at a rate vastly exceeding that for all vaccines combined since 1990 (https://tinyurl.com/zjtzd4yx). These include death, disability, heart attacks, inflammation of the heart muscle leading to heart failure, miscarriages, and bleeding and clotting problems (openvaers.com/covid-data). The British Yellow Card system, far more user friendly, breaks down the results by product (https://tinyurl.com/344skhcx). Long-term effects such as infertility, autoimmune disease, or antibody-dependent enhancement, with severe or fatal disease on later virus exposure, cannot be known yet.

If another pharmaceutical product caused a fraction of this death and disability, it would be withdrawn from the market, as the 1976 swine flu vaccine was, based on an excess incidence of about 1 in 100,000 cases of Guillain-Barré, and failure of the dreaded epidemic to appear. Some argue that this was an overreaction, justifiable “when lives are at stake” (https://tinyurl.com/r2rza8mf). But with COVID-19, reports of adverse reactions are censored as “harmful misinformation.” People die or become paralyzed every day, and a causal relationship to the recent jab cannot be “scientifically” proved.            

The dangers of the spike protein may have been unforeseen, and the deaths collateral damage from the vaccination frenzy, which may be related to decades of research on genetic engineering (https://tinyurl.com/ypk3f7av). Motives and agenda aside, the results might look like a bioterrorist attack by pathogen, vaccine, or both.

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