DDP Issues Statement about New York City’s Nuclear Attack Public Service Announcement

New York City’s emergency management agency has released a 90-second public service announcement (PSA) about what to do if the “big one” hits, stating there was no specific reason for the timing. The message is simple: 1. Get inside, fast. 2. Stay inside. 3. Stay tuned to media for official announcements, and don’t go outside until officials say it’s safe.

“Awareness is prudent, but this PSA lacks vital information,” states Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP) president Jane Orient, M.D. DDP refers people to the 60-second nuclear detonation training card, which has been distributed to thousands of first responders, and has issued the following statement:

  • In the event of a nuclear detonation, the most important life-saving measure is to drop and cover immediately if you see a bright flash. A blast wave will follow, with hurricane-force winds, turning windows into shards of glass. Survival is much more likely if you are lying flat on the ground.
  • Fallout looks like sand, ash, or grit. If there is fallout, you need to take cover for several days. If a building has no basement, get as close to the middle of the building as possible.
  • Fallout loses 90% of its radioactivity in the first 7 hours, and an additional 90% for each sevenfold increase in time.
  • Official communications are likely to be unavailable, and officials may lack appropriate radiation monitoring instruments. Citizens can acquire detection devices now, or instructions and common materials for making an expedient instrument (Kearny Fallout Meter).
  • If not within the zone of complete destruction, most people could survive if they do not panic and have some basic knowledge.

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness provides information to help save lives in the event of natural or man-made disasters.

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