Power and Money: What’s Really Behind the Climate Agenda

Bonner Cohen 2022 Speech at DDP




As you may notice we Human beings are fallible and we make mistakes. One such mistake was having a man named Harare as a futurist advisor to the World Economic Forum. He told the forum that we must become the majority and leave the rest behind. He was saying we don’t need regular folks. We don’t need carpenters, plumbers, hairdressers, mechanics automobile workers, farmers and ranchers. They are all lesser lights. What we want to accomplish on this planet is all for us.

Those at the WEF and other related organizations in making that statement, Mr Harare was actually acknowledging his and globalist elites desire to activate the eugenics introduced in the latter part of the 19th century and early part of the 20th century in Russia which set that nation back decades.  Eugenics disregards all science it does not agree with.

It was based on the idea that there are lesser lights among us, some people with birth defects and other people who quote frankly are just not up to snuff. And in one fashion or another need to be removed from society or at least measures should be taken to ensure that they never enter society.

Eugenics as I said was a very fashionable belief then. To American presidents, both self professed progressives like Teddy Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson were in the thick of eugenics.  Then along came a failed artist who managed to get himself the head of Germany, and he made eugenics or a version of it the central organizing principle of the Third Reich.

Now as we all know that did not end well and so eugenics went out of fashion or at least the term eugenics went out of fashion but not the idea. It resurfaced in the 1950s and 1960s this time under the guise of population control, the notion that Mr. Harare pointed out. Just too many people in the world, and measures must be taken to ensure that we reduce the numbers . Either to seeing to it that  they’re never born in the first place or through other means.

By 1968 Paul Ehrlich had come up with a book Population Bomb. The book stated among other things that the planet was becoming too crowed and that we were moving beyond its carrying capacity, and that this was the biggest threat facing mankind. Five years later the

Club of Rome came out with a report titled Limits to Growth accepting the premise of Pau Ehrlich and others claiming there were just too many people on the planet.

The book went beyond that premise to say that we were putting a strain on resources  and that ultimately there would not be enough resources to take care of the rest of us on the earth. Between the two documents a narrative was developed that coincided with the rise of the environmental movement which arose for its own reasons.

In its early stages it was the result of the writings by Rachel Carson who said among other things that trace elements of chemicals and other substances pose a threat to humanity and it was Rachel Carson’s ideas that led to the passage of such things as the Clean Air Act and Clean Water Act and such measures passed around the world.

By the late 1980s however something else started going on compatible with The Limits to Growth, that we were living beyond our limits and that is the notion that human beings through their use of fossil fuels and their agricultural practices were contributing to a potentially catastrophic warming of the planet.

This was popularized as we all know by Al Gore and throughout Europe by the former Prime Minister of Sweden,a prominent Social Democrat. He had excellent relations with the UN and other International bodies. This kept this from being an entirely American show though still more Gore than any other.

The narrative was that we needed to take urgent action to ensure that the planet did not over heat the US. It was then called Global Warming and today is generally referred to a  climate change which became a fashionable cause.

If you stop and think about it, there was a certain compelling narrative to the cause. Here you have human beings through their use of energy and secondarily  through their use of agricultural practices are in trouble  ultimately perhaps to the demise of the planet.

The demon in all of this and you always need an enemy when you are doing something like this was of all things carbon dioxide which was to continually heat up our planet with heat trapping gases. His was not a new idea, it actually had been rafting around Europe, mostly in German parts of Europe in the 19th century.

In Germany and also in the Austrian Hungarian Empire, but not everywhere until Gore picked it up in college. While he had no scientific sophistication whatsoever, he liked what he read and decided to make it the cause of his life and in that sense he actually succeeded beyond his wildest dreams.

The narrative here was as I said somewhat compelling. Human beings were actually causing their own demise. So people thinking well of themselves who read the narrative and delved into the subject thought to themselves this is a cause they can get behind because we can save humanity from itself.

As for the science of all of this, it was pure junk from the beginning as Willy Soon pointed out eloquently yesterday.

In fact there is no science behind it whatsoever. It is presented as a single cause for the climate and systematically ignores all other factors of which there are many that contribute to climate change whether it is warming or cooling down.

It is not based on climatological observations but rather on a theory you can model certain things. And as we found out from some of our speakers yesterday these models are mostly junk, garbage in and garbage, but the beauty of a model is you can get what you want. You simply rig the model.

You have to ignore certain things like the climatological history of the earth which has 4.6 billion years of record. During that time we’ve undergone all sorts of climate changes because climates always change. Ice ages come and ice ages go. Planets warm up and planets cool down as indeed is done in recent times. Today’s temperatures are lower than the were during the Middle Ages, and they are colder than they were in the Roman Empire neither of which were in any way shape or form driven by man’s greenhouse emissions because they did not exist back then, but none of this was allowed to enter into the picture that is swept under the rug. The target was initially. Called greenhouse gases but today we refer to them as carbon emissions because greenhouse gases just are not scary enough. But carbon thats something they can easily oppose.

This kind of pseudoscience itself was not new at all. We had seen something like this go on in Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union back in the 1930s when soviet scientist Lysenko came up with the idea human genetics was a bourgeois science  and had to be suppressed at all costs.

From the standpoint of the Soviet Union that made perfect sense because the USSR was in the midst of creating the new soviet man. That new Soviet man was to be created from scratch when according to human genetics traits are passed from parents to biological children and so on. So all of that was suppressed and any scientist or doctor or anyone who spoke out against the suppression of the notion of Human Generics lost their jobs or could wind up in the Gulag somewhere.

This is the kind of thing that I would argue contributed mightily decades later to the demise of the Soviet Union because it set back science decades. You could argue that the Soviet Union never really recovered from Lysenkoism. Our question is are we going to survive our modern version of Lysenkoism that climate change has arisen with a  false narrative repeated incessantly. That we through various human activities are contributing to the demise of the planet and  urgent action must be taken as quickly as possible.

No less than Al Gore said, this would require a wrenching transformation of society. Well how do you pull off a wrenching transformation of society, well it turns out that this transformation was already simply on the way. Quite annoying to a gentlemen who does not receive the credit he sadly deserves. He is one of the founders of the Italian Communist Party. A fellow named Antonio Gramsci. He was an evil human being given his communist background and beliefs however he was not a stupid man.

He recognized that the proletariat was not about to rise up and overthrow the bourgeoisie, that none of that was ever going to happen. He had a certain contempt for the average working people which is very characteristic of the left. Mr Harare’s statement speaks volumes about that and the utter contempt with which the ruling elite feel toward ordinary people. If something has been a constant, that may be it.

Gramsci came up with the idea of the long march through the institutions. What that meant was over time societies institutions would be infiltrated and transformed from within. These institutions would retain their names but they would have entirely different ways and have entirely different character and this was across the board. These were not just universities and schools, this was as we would later find out, corporate board rooms, school boards, the media when it finally came along, social media, all of these publications, scientific publications, professional organizations. I will give you an example of the American Institute of Architects. My father was an architect and a member of AIA. Which was what one was in his era. Well today the American Institute of Architects carries the ball for climate change.

It insists on a construction of buildings which are climate friendly, so AIA is just one example of many organizations which have been transformed  from within. And this all goes back to Gramsci. It occurred over decades and people did not really notice, but all of a sudden you find yourself with organizations with names you recognize that can be federal bureaucracies like NOAA and NASA or it can be organizations like the National Geographic Society.

Regardless of what they are they bear very little resemblance to what they were a few decades ago. They have been infiltrated and transformed and they then become self perpetuating entities.

This is how all of this was made possible. It was enabled by a crackpot idea of human caused global warming to begin to guide society in a certain direction and it not only happened in the United States it also happened throughout Europe.

One of the important elements of this is the suppression of dissent, no one is allowed to call this into question. If you do and if you are a researcher somewhere thinking  you’re going to get a federal grant to look into some aspect of the climate, if you have a public record of being in opposition you will get no grants.

Ken Haapala cited several examples of people like John Christie and our own Willy Soon who now get no grants. Who would want to silence Willy Soon? But this does happen because you cannot be in opposition. Everyone must be on the same page and what this does is in the spirit of Lysenkoism. This gradually snuffs out legitimate scientific inquiry, the give and take that goes on.

Instead we were told the science on climate change was settled. It is settled science , well as we all know, science is never settled. What we think we know today is going to be overtaken by what we learn tomorrow, None of that is allowed to take place under the current regime. Instead scientists in the rest of society are all supposed to march in lockstep and take measures and make statements all in support of an agenda to rid the world of fossil fuels and to change agriculture practices to make them more sustainable and to take other measures to ensure that we save the planet.

Now how is this working out? Well that depends on who you are. The small group of people who benefit from this, those  other researchers who play ball. The politicians who are on board and push for regulations and legislation to be adopted. This is working out very well for the purveyors of alternative energy, wind, solar, its working out or at least it seems to be, but there is a question mark here for the electric vehicle manufacturers. And so for these people, not to mention the environmental movement itself it is to date a multi-billion dollar operation.

These people have incredible amount of influence particularly over the Democratic Party in the United States but sadly increasingly also to a lesser extent in the Republican Party and it is building momentum.

To make all of these changes these people benefit from it and some of them benefit both politically and financially because ultimately this is about power. If you control energy you are controlling the lifeblood of society, but you are also control the people who use and need energy and that is the ultimate game that’s being played here, control of the people.

Look around you though and you will find out yes there is a numerically small group of people who have benefited immensely from this but what about the rest of us. Well let’s take a quick look overseas. Let’s first go to Europe. This was brought up yesterday. Europe is in the midst of an energy crisis one it brought on itself. It began by the way long before the first Russian tank rolled into Ukraine last August, about a year ago. The wind in the North Sea decided to go on an extended vacation and it stopped blowing. When it stopped blowing all the wind turbines that had been put up in the North Sea to provide the UK and other countries energy, quit producing energy with the result that electricity prices soared.

There were shortages of energy in Germany which is the economic power house of Europe. Policies taken at the early part of the 20th century to phase out coral fired power plants and do away with Germanys nuclear power plants  made Germany dependent on Russia for natural gas and on renewable energy supposedly wind and solar. The Germans  have spent billions of euros on renewable energy and what has it gotten them. Well its gotten them a tremendous mess because the cost of electricity in Germany is three times higher than in the United States owing mostly to their growing reliance on unreliable and unaffordable renewable energy.

We also see ourselves by the way until Merkel  that former chancellor of of Germany said this would be an energy Sunday meaning energy transition, well it was a transformation in the direction in which the Germans now greatly regret that they went.

Let’s go quickly to the Netherland, we have all read and heard about the farmers in the Netherland who have been suddenly confronted with their governments plan, justified in the name of combating climate change to lower nitrogen emissions from the Dutch farms. I could sense emissions brought about by the large numbers of livestock on those farms. If carried out to its full extent will lead to closure  of at least 11,200 farms in the Netherlands. The Netherlands is about the same size as Maryland so your talking about a big deal here.

Shutting down these farmers all in the name of combating human induced climate change which is a hoax because it is something that does not stand up to true scientific inquiry. It simply isn’t happening. Climate is changing as it always has changed. Indeed the term climate change is redundant.

What does the government know about this, absolutely nothing and they don’t care. The farmers care and to their great credit by the way one of the things they’re doing is dumping cow manure into the streets. It is a good thing it gets peoples attention.

Go to Sri Lanka off the southeastern coast of India, here the government to the applause of the World Economic Forum decided that it would ban the use of chemical fertilizers, and that the farmers would have to switch to organic fertilizers. Any body with any knowledge of how these things work knows that they are never going to work and it didn’t. To the credit of farmers they chased the President of the country onto an airplane and his whole corrupt government collapsed completely but the big losers are all of us like the farmers in the Netherlands and like people throughout the other countries on the receiving end of policies imposed by elites which are not rooted in common sense and which are having devastating effects on their lives.

Let’s come quickly to the United States . What s going on here. Well two states California and Texas are already experiencing blackout and brownouts. They are doing that because of their growing reliance on intermittent wind and solar for their energy. What that is doing among other things is putting enormous strains on their electric grid, which will only increase as more renewable renewable energy enters the grid.

We ar also seeing the beginning of a self imposed energy shortage  when it goes beyond the inflation that we are experiencing now. One which is going to be with us for a long time to come because that is the direction in which the current administration and Congress are taking the country.

What this will mean is the things that we have come to take for granted, things  like electricity and transportation are all up for grabs. We will hear more later today about electric vehicles, but I will mention a couple of things now on EVs. One of the questions  that is never asked is where is the electricity going to come from.

We have been told that our roads and streets are going to be full of EVs and in just a few years with the goal of shutting down the fossil fuel industry, and that is the administrations goal with the support of the environmental industry and of course the renewable energy industry which hopes to benefit from all this. That is the goal and at some point there will be less  energy from fossil fuels.

That being the case where is the energy going to come from to fuel all these EVs that proponents of electric vehicles assure us are gong to be on the roads in the near future. You are not going to get it from the local wind farm and you’re not going to get it from the local solar farm.

They can never produce  the amount of electricity needed to do this. But assuming once you decide where the electricity is coming from at least for the time being it must be distributed around the country. More government control. Well the infrastructure bill that passed Congress last year contains seven and a half billion dollars for the construction of 500,000 so called quick charging stations around the country. Well 500,000 sounds like a lot of of charging stations, but actually it’s a drop in the bucket if they really want to have charging stations that can service all the vehicles that are going to be driving up to them to get recharged. You’re going to have to have a lot more and please notice that these stations are being paid for not by the companies that manufacture the vehicles but rather the American taxpayer will foot the bill. But don’t worry 30 years from now as Jay Lehr said every parking lot will be filled with the same internal combustion engine cars as today.

Were we to have these charging stations transmitting the electricity to these charging stations will take place through high voltage power lines that are going to be going all over the country. These power lines are unsightly, every bit as unsightly as wind turbines and solar panels. And they will be going through somebodies back yard, down somebodies street through some bodies town. The resistance to that will be huge and supply a fertile field for the kinds of activities  which will allow people to protest because they don’t want those things in their community.

You see that this may not take the people or take the elites quite where they think they want to go because they haven’t thought this through. On the one hand you have policies that suppress the production of oil and natural gas,  also a huge policy in place presumed enthusiastically by the administration to undo infrastructure necessary mostly for the pipelines necessary to distribute oil and natural gas around the country.

When you carry that through long enough, sure enough you will get less natural gas but what are you putting in its place, renewable energy that will never fill the gap. The result will be an energy shortage both in terms  of what goes into our homes to heat in winter and cool them in summer as well as shortages of transportation fuel  all brought to you by the people who are acting in the name of combating a non existent climate crisis.

You ask yourself here, okay we know who benefits from this in one sentence, that is the domestic purveyors of electric vehicles but there is somebody else who’s going to benefit. This whole movement has tremendous geopolitical implications and its beneficiary is none other than The Peoples Republic of China which has a tremendously powerful position in that it makes all the ingredients and materials that go into electric vehicles, notably batteries, cobalt and lithium. They do this through the mines they control in South America and Africa through the processing facilities. They practically have a monopoly on rare earths in China which are prominent components of wind turbines and solar panels.

We have managed to adopt energy policy in the name of combating climate change which greatly strengthens our most powerful geopolitical rival. One that weakens the United States and one which is being endorsed enthusiastically by the Biden administration, the environmental movement and the World Economic Forum and the United Nations.

All of the various transnational non government organizations that support this agenda or at least say they support it and one of the ironies of all this is that its not sustainable. If you think the meaning that the word sustainable has in in the environmental debate we must have sustainable development of this that and the other well it turns out that its not sustainable at all. It is their solution to the so called climate crisis that is not sustainable and it is that solution that will come crashing down on the top of us while we continue to throw billions and billions of dollars  of euros or pounds or what ever the currency of the country happens to be. One that enters into this waste of money . We are creating an artificial shortage and we are destroying our way of life.

Those of us who have been engaged in the Climate wars for the past 25 or 30 years are probably the ones least surprised  by the medical establishment namely the governmental federal medical establishments response to the covid 19. We’ve seen that movie before .

Within a few weeks of the outbreak of the pandemic we were exposed to lockdowns, school closures, and mask mandates.

Once the so-called vaccines were developed vaccine mandates, social distancing, all of society or at least most of it was brought to a screeching halt that took not just the United States. It took Canada, throughout Europe with the notable exception of Sweden. The only country that really refused to go along with any of the nonsense was Southj Korea. We made tremendous sacrifices all rather imposed on us by Dr, Fauci, Dr. Deborah Birx and the CDC, the FDA and what have you to bend the curve, suppress the spread of the disease. It did not suppress the spread of the disease because as a lower respiratory disease, covid 19 continually changes is one of the reasons that so called vaccines were  ineffective because the disease can never catch up to its every new mutated respiratory disease.

It didn’t stop the spread, it didn’t  suppress the spread of the disease at all, but it did suppress societal activity. 10s of thousands of businesses were shut down and will never open up again and it also gave the powers that be  another opportunity to do what had been done during the climate debate that is suppress dissent and they were ruthless about this.

Anyone calling into question the wisdom of shut shutdowns and lockdowns and the wisdom of the pronouncements of Anthony Fauci, anyone who did this suddenly found themselves targeted. They were told they were spreading misinformation and hey have had their livelihoods endangered.

The American Medical Association and the Association of Medical Colleges have recently come up with directives to address a whole spate of problems having to do with how the medical profession, are supposed to carry out its operations. And its become extremely woke. It has become woke with regard to gender affirming practices which are actually mutilations of young people irreversible mutilations  when  they take place.

They are also suppressing dissent of anyone who questions any of this and threatens their livelihood. How are they doing this , well several medical associations depending on what your specialty is, you can be radiologists, pediatricians or what have you. You have to have  board certification if you want to practice medicine. Doctors around the country now are receiving letters from National groups telling them that they need to  appear before the board to justify their positions criticizing some of the practices that were carried out during covid 19 and also critical of gender affirming operations. These are kangaroo courts and these doctors will find themselves, many sadly stripped of their certification which means  that they can no longer going to be able to practice their profession. Not only do they lose their livelihood but patients that have gone to them will suddenly find themselves without a doctor they trust. This is yet another Lysenkoism that first went into the climate debate and is now infiltrating the medical community. Let me give you an example of how far it has gone. It has now spilled over to the United States Department of Defense.  The Secretary of Defense has already issued an order mandating vaccine shots for covid 19 for the whole military. Not just those on active duty but reservists and and the National Guard. They all must get the shots and we know they don’t work.

They don’t suppress the disease one bit. They have all sorts of side effects which is being systematically suppressed by the Department of Defense which is very well apprised of all of this. The purpose of the exercise is not to protect public health, if you stop and think about it.

Who serves mostly in the military, well these are people between the ages of 20 and 40 disproportionately. These people don’t get covid still in all its various strains that have gone on. It’s still primarily a disease of the elderly and the infirm whom do not normally serve in the military.

Not to mention a child of 5 or 6 years old of getting covid are minuscule.the purpose of the exercise here is control.This is a way for the Department of Defense which is among the most woke institutions in the country to find out who’s not playing ball and to weed out those many of them. People of faith who didn’t take these vaccines for religious reasons which also turned out to be scientifically very well based and just a good way to bet rid of them.

As of July the first of this year 357 pilots including trainers have been washed out of the military because  of their refusal to take the vaccinations. This is a good way to weed out the undesirable and to keep only those on active duty in the military who are compliant.

It is nothing whatsoever to do with public health at all, but it is one of the many steps that are being taken in the name of one thing, but it is actually being done to accomplish quite something else. This is a very bleak picture I have painted this morning but there you are.

Positive signs out there exist. Let’s go to a couple of developments. One of which was a recent Supreme Court decision called West Virginia versus the EPA one of the ways in which the whole global warming movement has succeeded. It had a friendly regulatory culture backing it up.

When Congress acts along like the Clean Air Act or the Clean Water Act the language is sometimes somewhat vague. It is up to an agency with jurisdiction under the law to fill in the blanks. They write the rules and regulations under which these laws operate. These rules and regulations however have the force of of law behind them. What this Supreme Court ruling effectively does is it makes unelected unaccountable bureaucrats through out the federal government bureaucracy whether it’s EPA, FDA, CDC Department of Transportation what have you. It makes them into the de facto lawmakers because as I said their rules and regulations have the force of law behind them.  This is the deep state we hear so much about.

The Supreme Court decision against EPA versus West Virginia  done about six weeks ago told EPA they did not have Congressional authority to regulate emissions from certain power plants and if they wanted that authority it would have to go to Congress to get it. They can’t ,make  this stuff out of whole cloth.

The phrase that was used was that if these rules and regulations have a major economic impact, well practically any rule and regulation nationwide implemented by federal regulatory agencies is going to have a major economic.

What this means is that the regulatory agencies don’ have the power because the precedent has been set.

They don’t have the power to do what they and the political appointees particularly at the current administration would like to have them do.

What the Supreme Court actually did was to restore  and in no small way the division of powers envisioned by the founding fathers which meant that you would always have three branches of government. The executive branch, the legislative branch and the court system.

None of these three was allowed to be completely dominant over the others. It was entirely up to the legislative branch to enact laws not the executive branch. The precedent set here will be reaching far because it will go way beyond the power plants.  It will enter into many other regulatory debate issues that come about in the Federal bureaucracy. They are going to find itself at least for the foreseeable future as long as the court is composed of the justices currently sitting on the bench. Its going to make it extremely difficult for these administrative agencies to do what they have been getting away with really going back to the New Deal.

It was a substantial set back to this administrative  regulatory state and it was a victory for the Constitution and the. Rule of law. Fred Smith, the founder of the Competitive Enterprise Institute once said “the US Constitution isn’t perfect but its a hell of a lot better than what we have now. Well Fred Smith was referring exactly to the phenomenon of unconstitutional regulations being imposed on the populace by unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats. They have now been sharply curtailed. It is indeed a very popular very positive development.

I think you are going to see it play out very positively in the near term when other cases come before it. Where bureaucratic agencies have gone beyond what Congress authorized them to do. One of those cases which bears actually directly on the whole climate debate is going to  decide efforts to impose restrictions on water use.

Something called the Waters of The United States. It is essentially a scheme for federal zoning under the guise of protecting bodies of water which were initially thought to be navigable. EPA and Army Corps of Engineers  have jurisdiction over navigable waters of the US and over the discharge that goes into those bodies of water. Well over time navigable disappeared thanks in part to the vague writings contained in the clean water act. An effort was made by the Obama Administration which was undone by Trump is on again being reimposed by this administration. It is Federal zoning on private land all around the country,

Among other things it is violating every imaginable property right you can think of. This will help suppress production of energy on private land because the case will be made that that fracking operation or this extraction of oil or gas endangers a nearby body of water which could be 100 miles away and therefore is in violation of the clean water act. I don’t think you are going to see these kind of things approved by the Supreme Court as  long as I said it is composed of the judges currently serving on the bench. Simply because they are on record with a precedent that saying that you can only regulate what you have been specifically authorized by Congress to regulate. This is a very positive development and it is one that coincides with something that we’re also beginning to see that is resistance that is breaking out

at the local level against the various schemes that are being imposed on us by the high and the mighty both in terms of the climate debate but also with the fallout from our disastrous experience with battling covid 19.

A quick note on that, the powers that be know how to reward their own.  The commencement address at Princeton University this past May was delivered by none other than Dr Fauci for which he pocketed 2.5 million dollars but  it is today a communist strong hold so no surprise . For Princeton it was probably a sound investment in the kick back grants they will get from him. They exist on grant money and what better way to ingratiate themselves to get more money.

With a potential funder then to get rewards. The high profile people were rewarded for over seeng  a complete disaster. But they have shown a long standing contempt for ordinary poeple and don’t care about any of it. They have their vested interests in perpetuating and expanding their power and solidifying their financial position and they will continue to do that as long as they think they can get away with it.

Now the resistance I was talking about is cropping up at local levels not just in the US against plans to put up so called wind farms which really only procure is government subsidies rather than energy and the same for giant solar arrays around the country. People just don’t want these things in their neighborhoods and these are primarily rural people because  you need a lot of space for these things in addition to being  intermittent and unaffordable they are also land intensive. Far more land intensive than fossil fuel power plants.

It takes a lot of land for any of these things which produce precious little energy. They are unsightly and have their own environmental fallout because they all have to be backed up with equal amounts of fossil fuel power for when the sun does not shine and the wind does not blow. The grid must stay in balance. Some are backed up with batteries all of whose components come from China as do most of the  wind turbines and solar cells.

Once the batteries die they are useless. They can not be recycled in a meaningful way. So they have to be buried just as solar panels .

When they have reached the end of there life expectancy they must be buried and they create something called solar waste. You can Google that and you will find out that this is a very serious problem because the things are loaded with toxic chemicals that can leak into the ground and even reach groundwater and we are putting them up by the thousands around the country. With respect to wind power people are objecting and there have been 200 lawsuits challenging them.

What this does is slow them down from all the projections about how much wind and solar we are going to have in the future. They are now standing on very shaky ground because of this resistance.

Now to be sure big solar and big wind can buy off a lot of people and they will but they’re not going to be able to buy off all of them. But as long as that development goes, and this would be a primary target for grassroots people to cut these things off at the knees because the energy being produced here has no real value. In Virginia where I live the solar energy developed does not go to farmers it goes to silicon valley data centers which are heavily concentrated in northern Virginia. They can then virtue signal that they operate only on renewable energy which is absolutely not true.

No one else around the benefits from that whatsoever, on the contrary where you have solar power, property values plunge because nobody wants to live anywhere near those things. So this is a very positive development and I think it will pick up steam as we move along. That is that local people for whom, Mr. Harare and John Kerry an others consider unnecessary. The climate warriors have such obvious contempt for these people can rise up and they can defeat these things.

To do so however it’s very important that we understand what the other side is really up to. Remember this is all about power. We are not talking about electric power but political power. Who has it and who doesn’t. The self anointed stewards of the climate are absolutely determined to impose their will on the rest of us and they will use the climate as justification, but as Saul Alinsky laid out in his book Rules for Radicals many decades ago the things activists should embrace, is the whole notion that this issue is not the issue. That it is what is being done in the name of protecting the climate and prevent catastrophic global warming which has nothing to do with the climate but rather is merely the pretext for grabbing powers of enormous  proportions, that will benefit a tiny segment  of the population to the detriment of most people. Don’t fall for it.

There’s a group of Republicans in the House of Representatives that put together a group called the conservative climate coalition. Over 70 members have signed up  and what they have done is they have come up with free market conservative approaches to combating climate change. What they don’t realize is that they have accepted the prevailing  narrative of climate change and simply come up with their own quote unquote solutions, and sadly one that will likely send more money into the pockets of their political friends as opposed to political friends of the leftist greens.

This is the worst possible approach you can take and these are the very same people who say well we favor all of the above. Well when you say all of the above on energy policy what you are also saying is we favor the continued subsidies and mandates for renewable energy.

Sadly they will always be here perhaps until enough people suffer energy poverty. They are a key element of recent legislation taking us all to the cleaners by the power hungry enemy of evil people who do not care about the rest of us. Whether they live in Sri Lanka the Netherlands or Arizona.

We must resist in every way possible. All it takes for evil to prosper is for good people to do nothing. Do not do nothing. Fortunately the evil enemies plans are not sustainable and must come crashing down but many will suffer along the way.

Europe is suffering now and that could be a preview for the US. We have a lot of work to do.

The enemy has enormous resources we must contend with. Social media has also joined the battle against us with so much censorship of the truth. Anything they do not like they label it misinformation for which It appears  l all  of silicon valley supports along with government bodies from federal to county. All of us could be effective at our local level speaking out where we are less likely to encounter serious blow back. We will win in the end the job now is to cut the losses of the nation.

Question: how do you’d define Lysenkoism? Answer:

It is the practice of suppressing scientific inquiry that the government decides what is science. An example is what you hear today that the science of climate change is settled. Science is never settled. In Russia it dealt with human genetics. In Russia the government dictated that human genetics was bourgeois science and had to be settled and had to be suppressed. It was successfully done and the Soviet Union was set  back by many decades as it is doing to us as well.

The modern version is definitely what we see in the climate debate. And how to deal with covid 19 as well. It is just an earlier version of junk science being carried out  by people who don’t really know anything about science. But it does not matter as we must remember it is not about science just power.

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