MedNews January 2023

  • Actuaries report extraordinarily high excess death rates in persons between ages 18 and 50, which will have a devastating impact on the insurance industry. These are just numbers of deaths from all causes. Curiously, the rate is highest in persons receiving a single dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • It is predicted that that as many as 4 billion humans will die of starvation, owing to measures such as limits on nitrogen fertilizer. Dr. James Gruhl stated that the rationale for the limits is to prevent a theoretical global temperature rise of 0.1 degree Fahrenheit by 2100, which would be virtually unmeasurable.
  • Dr. Gruhl reminded the committee of his graph showing CO2 levels and measures of the earth’s lushness over geological time, and the optimum levels for various temperatures. Optimum is about 2500 ppm, current is 420 ppm, no life on Earth is 150 ppm—the worst possible public health problem.
  • Dr. Gruhl has spoken with Dr. Richard Lindzen of MIT, who states that the climate change crisis is a hoax, but any criticism will be suppressed, and editors who permit publication of critical articles have been immediately fired.
  • The World Economic Forum conference in Davos concluded with an impassioned speech by Klaus Schwab declaring that persons spreading the idea that globalists meant to take over the world would be canceled.
  • Dr. Gruhl reported that the U.S. electric grid could be shut down for months if key points were disabled, resulting in death of a large fraction of the population.
  • Investors are withdrawing funds from Wells Fargo, BlackRock, and Vanguard because of the anticipated effect of ESG policies on investment returns. Companies are now walking back or denying their statements about ESG.

Entomophagy – A ‘Sustainable’ Diet?

DDP Newsletter, Vol. XXXVII, No. 6

Using insects as a main source of animal protein is a big part of the World Economic Forum’s plans for us. To sustain a continued growth of 75 million souls per year, they say all of us need to eat bugs, just as some people have for centuries.

In fact, you may already be eating them as deliberate ingredients and not just contaminants. It’s another reason to read the labels on your food carefully.

If you search on amazon for “crickets” you will find Hotlix along with the food for reptiles, birds, and fish. Hotlix candy is made from “real crickets” and is said to be ideal as stocking stuffers or gifts for Father’s Day, birthdays, or other occasions. A “raw power cricket protein bar” is available in a package labeled “Thank you for saving earth!” Cricket flour is being incorporated into all kinds of products from soups to pasta.

Raising insects is supposed to be much better for the Planet than raising livestock. Insects are said to require about 4% of the water and 10% of the amount of grain that a cow would require to produce the same amount of food biomass. Livestock emit methane and ammonia waste (a,k,a. fertilizer). “Livestock is the second largest contributor to the most serious environmental concerns and augments 18% of greenhouse gas emissions.” Termites produce only 5% of global methane emissions, compared with 28% by livestock ( Livestock also take up space (which might be needed for solar and wind installations).

No part of the insect is wasted—you eat all of it, including the skeleton and whatever it ate, at all stages of the digestive process. Insects are commonly fed oatmeal before they are fed to humans to clean their intestinal tract. “Therefore, insects that are farmed and fed a reliable food source are typically safer than foraged insects. When eating insects, it is important to remain safe in order to reap the full benefits of these edible arthropods” (

Insects may help you lose weight. They have a high-protein, low-fat nutritional profile. When compared to beef, crickets had about half the calories and one-third the amount of fat for the same weight of meat (ibid.).

Public acceptance has been surprisingly high, especially if people are told they are saving the planet from global warming. Indoctrination is beginning early as children are fed insect snacks at school. Fitness studios are adding insect protein powders to their on-site food offerings. The market for edible insects is expected to grow by more than 26% per year, reaching $4.6 billion by 2027 (

Researchers have ground up insects and found the amino acid, mineral, and micronutrient content to be “highly nutritious.” I have been unable to find any long-term studies of the effects of an insect-based diet on health. Apparently, such evidence is not needed to promote—or force—a radical change in people’s lives.

Among the benefits touted by the New Yorker: “They are natural recyclers, capable of eating old cardboard, manure, and by-products from food manufacturing. And insect husbandry is humane: bugs like teeming, and thrive in filthy, crowded conditions” (

Some allergic problems are acknowledged. Persons with shellfish allergies might be allergic to chitin. Depending on what the insects ate, they might not be gluten-free.

Some humans can digest chitin, which forms insects’ exoskeleton, but the majority probably cannot. Some studies show evidence that chitin may be carcinogenic and trigger the immune system, writes Robert Malone, M.D. (

Chitin activates a variety of innate (eosinophils, macrophages) and adaptive immune cells (IL-4/IL-13 expressing T helper type-2 lymphocytes). Chitin induces cytokine production, leukocyte recruitment, and alternative macrophage activation. “The significance of chitin and its derivatives on immune responses has not been fully appreciated.” (

Other effects include potential interference with the absorption of dietary lipids from the gastrointestinal tract. Long-term consumption might lead to deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins A and E (

Breads made with powdered cricket flour may be loaded with potentially dangerous bacterial spores (ibid.). One study detected parasites in 81% of insect farms, and 30% of those could potentially affect humans ( Studies of other risks such as bacterial pathogens are being compiled (

A search on “edible insects; safety” on found articles considering contamination with mycotoxins or heavy metals, transference of antibiotic resistance, insect viruses, pesticide residues, and changes in gut microbiota. As one abstract noted: “Further studies are needed to evaluate the possible effects of prolonged insect consumption on human health.” However, the plan apparently is like that for novel vaccines: implement globally, with a multimillion-dollar propaganda campaign (, and constantly repeat “safe and effective.”

For example, PBS, which has received millions from the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, recently aired a new documentary pushing the bug-eating agenda (


Why the emergency? Part of UN agenda 2030 is to cut 30% of land from farm production, Dr. Malone reports. Once gone, a farm is not immediately replaceable. Meeting zero-emission “climate” goals is said to require reducing meat consumption to 24 kg per person per year, from the current OECD average of 70 kg. The Dutch government is expropriating 3,000 farms based on a false “nitrogen crisis” ( Netherlands is the world’s second-largest food exporter.

Fertilizer shortages and high prices, partly due to the high price of natural gas, the feedstock for ammonia fertilizer, will cause serious decreases in crop yields ( and likely widespread starvation (

Plant-derived fake meat and Israeli-based 3D-printed lab-grown meat from cultured animal fibroblasts are being promoted. Believer Meat is building the world’s largest facility in North Carolina (

The main commercial driver behind the push to use crickets as food in North America is Aspire Groups, “supported” by the UN, Dr. Malone writes. A single facility in Canada can immediately begin producing 9000 tons (18 million pounds) of crickets a year, with the help of artificial intelligence. Aspire Foods is listed as one of the top ten outstanding projects to advance UN sustainable food goals, particularly in North America. Will these gambles pay off for Bill Gates and other developers? Possibly. But how much world depopulation will result?

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP) Warns against Lockdown 2.0

Prospects of escalation in the Ukraine conflict have sparked concerns about nuclear war, according to the latest issue of the Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Newsletter.

Governmental response to a nuclear detonation could be the equivalent of Lockdown 2.0, warns DDP, citing the “Get Inside, Stay Inside” public relations campaigns in some states and the same advice on the federal website

How long must one stay inside? The ads say “Stay tuned” for official advice, but DDP points out the essential need for measuring radiation levels where you are located and the lack of appropriate instruments.

“The purpose of the civil defense program started by President Kennedy was to keep the country working,” states DDP president Jane Orient, M.D. “Rescue work and essential tasks cannot be done if everyone is in lockdown.”

Five million instruments were disposed of in the 1990s and not replaced. A low-cost technology called SIRAD (“see-rad”) was developed by the Department of Defense and tested by Homeland Security in 2007, but was never deployed by government, DDP states. At the suggestion of Tom Ridge, first U.S. secretary of DHS, volunteers used the SIRAD technology to create safe/not safe (“Oh Shucks!”) monitors.

There is also the option of the Kearny Fallout Meter (KFM), designed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to be made by children. Instructions can be downloaded free from oism,org/nwss.

In a crisis, ready-made instruments will not be available, but knowledge is free and available to all, Dr. Orient says. The poor man’s rad meter is seeing fallout particles, which look like sand or grit, on a shiny surface or piece of white paper.

            “Panic could kill more people than radiation in a nuclear attack,” states Dr. Orient. “People outside a bomb’s radius of complete destruction have an excellent chance of survival—if they know what to do.”Doctors for Disaster Preparedness provides information to help save lives in the event of natural or man-made disasters.

Civil Defense vs. Lockdown 2.0

DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXVIII, No. 6

World events are moving at a breakneck pace. The threat of nuclear weapons use is probably the highest it has been since the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962. The crisis was resolved when Nikita Khrushchev promised that that work on the missile sites would be halted and that the missiles already in Cuba would be returned to the Soviet Union. In return, President John F. Kennedy committed the U.S. to never invading Cuba. Kennedy also secretly promised to withdraw the nuclear-armed missiles that the U.S. had stationed in Turkey in previous years ( After this crisis, Kennedy started a nationwide civil defense program, with fallout shelters identified and stocked, and five million costly radiation detectors distributed to cities and town throughout the nation.

Stephen Jones, who has been involved in civil defense since 1979, writes: “The original purpose of our national Civil Defense was TO KEEP THE COUNTRY WORKING. The purpose of the detectors was to let people know when it was safe so recovery efforts and other essential work could begin. Now there are virtually no detectors out there dedicated to measuring nuclear fallout. In general, HAZMAT units are not equipped or trained for fallout danger.”

Continue reading “Civil Defense vs. Lockdown 2.0”

Ukraine: What about a Dirty Bomb?

Procrastination is easy, especially in preparing for events you don’t want to think about.

But since we told you about the New Jersey bus ads on radiation emergencies, new happenings might make you want to step up your preparedness efforts.

The British Daily Mail ran an Oct 19 article on New York City’s Cold War fallout shelters. It provided information on how New Yorkers could find the nearest shelter, while showing many photos of the shelters’ deplorable condition. There are no supplies, and no radiation measuring instruments such as Geiger counters.

Russian defense minister Sergei Shoigu made phone calls to his counterparts in the U.S., UK, France, and Turkey, warning that Ukraine was planning to explode a “dirty bomb” (radiological dispersal device) and blame it on Russia. Ukraine denies this. Ukraine has the ability to make a dirty bomb, and Zelensky has mentioned it, but the significance of various officials’ statements is unclear.

Continue reading “Ukraine: What about a Dirty Bomb?”

What if Ukraine War Goes Nuclear?

As pandemic fears are somewhat quieted, another threat is gaining attention. New Jersey transit buses are bearing the message below:

These appeared days after similar ads were placed in New York City subways, two months after the message appeared on poster boards in New Jersey shopping malls, and just before New York City Emergency Management created a TV Public Service Announcement telling New Yorkers what to do if a nuclear bomb hits. It is unlikely that officials are doing this for no reason.

Continue reading “What if Ukraine War Goes Nuclear?”

Hurricane Ian Has Lessons about Electric Vehicles

As California and additional states contemplate banning the internal combustion engine (ICE), we need to watch what is happening in Florida, states DDP president Jane M. Orient, M.D.

“Most Floridians have a car with an ICE,” she states, “and they had enough warning to fill their gas tank before they were ordered to evacuate.”

Power lines are down, and millions are without electricity, she notes. “Renewables” will be producing zero electricity and may be destroyed by the high winds. Even if you find a roadside charging station, it will probably have no power.

Continue reading “Hurricane Ian Has Lessons about Electric Vehicles”

Power and Money: What’s Really Behind the Climate Agenda

Bonner Cohen 2022 Speech at DDP



As you may notice we Human beings are fallible and we make mistakes. One such mistake was having a man named Harare as a futurist advisor to the World Economic Forum. He told the forum that we must become the majority and leave the rest behind. He was saying we don’t need regular folks. We don’t need carpenters, plumbers, hairdressers, mechanics automobile workers, farmers and ranchers. They are all lesser lights. What we want to accomplish on this planet is all for us.

Those at the WEF and other related organizations in making that statement, Mr Harare was actually acknowledging his and globalist elites desire to activate the eugenics introduced in the latter part of the 19th century and early part of the 20th century in Russia which set that nation back decades.  Eugenics disregards all science it does not agree with.

Continue reading “Power and Money: What’s Really Behind the Climate Agenda”

DDP Issues Statement about New York City’s Nuclear Attack Public Service Announcement

New York City’s emergency management agency has released a 90-second public service announcement (PSA) about what to do if the “big one” hits, stating there was no specific reason for the timing. The message is simple: 1. Get inside, fast. 2. Stay inside. 3. Stay tuned to media for official announcements, and don’t go outside until officials say it’s safe.

“Awareness is prudent, but this PSA lacks vital information,” states Doctors for Disaster Preparedness (DDP) president Jane Orient, M.D. DDP refers people to the 60-second nuclear detonation training card, which has been distributed to thousands of first responders, and has issued the following statement:

  • In the event of a nuclear detonation, the most important life-saving measure is to drop and cover immediately if you see a bright flash. A blast wave will follow, with hurricane-force winds, turning windows into shards of glass. Survival is much more likely if you are lying flat on the ground.
  • Fallout looks like sand, ash, or grit. If there is fallout, you need to take cover for several days. If a building has no basement, get as close to the middle of the building as possible.
  • Fallout loses 90% of its radioactivity in the first 7 hours, and an additional 90% for each sevenfold increase in time.
  • Official communications are likely to be unavailable, and officials may lack appropriate radiation monitoring instruments. Citizens can acquire detection devices now, or instructions and common materials for making an expedient instrument (Kearny Fallout Meter).
  • If not within the zone of complete destruction, most people could survive if they do not panic and have some basic knowledge.

Doctors for Disaster Preparedness provides information to help save lives in the event of natural or man-made disasters.

Klaus Schwab: The New Dr. Strangelove?

DDP Newsletter Vol. XXXVII, No. 5

Stanley Kubrick’s satirical nuclear apocalyptic movie Dr. Strangelove, Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, starring Peter Sellers in three roles, is still available, but likely of less interest now. The fearmongers are focused on another type of apocalypse. Even Physicians for Social Responsibility ( seems to have paused its “bombing runs,” though it still has a Nuclear Weapons Abolition Program. The “gravest dangers to human health” featured on its home page include climate change and fracking.

Ever since the film’s release in 1964, Herman Kahn has been referred to as the real Dr. Strangelove. When quizzed about the comparison, Kahn would tell Newsweek, “Kubrick is a friend of mine. He told me Dr. Strangelove wasn’t supposed to be me.” But others would point out the many affinities between Stanley Kubrick’s classic character and the real-life Herman Kahn.

Continue reading “Klaus Schwab: The New Dr. Strangelove?”